Teacher Tutors offers licensed teachers and specialists the opportunity to tutor all subjects and standardized tests in New Jersey and New York. Our company offers home based tutoring services for K-12, Standardized Testing, Homework Help, Music, and Foreign Language Tutoring. Our client base is interested in qualified tutors both after school, on weekends and sometimes even during regular school hours, not to mention summer tutoring. Are you looking to supplement your income with after school tutoring? Keep reading...
Flexible Schedules: We work with you to maximize your tutoring hours while maintaining the work/life balance that you seek
No Marketing: Let Teacher Tutors do the work for you! We match our clients up with a qualified tutor and handle everything on the business end so you can focus on the educational experience and nothing else.
Opportunity to Make a Difference: Teachers seek the unique experience of helping a student grow in multiple disciplines. As a tutor we help you achieve that experience outside of the classroom.
Great Pay: We offer competitive pay that many other tutoring companies cannot match. Earn extra income in your free time. In addition, for your convenience all of our tutors are eligible to receive payment deposited electronically into their preferred bank account.
Online Tutoring: We offer our tutors the convenience of remote online tutoring. Simply setup your computer to use our online platform and tutor from anywhere, anytime.
Applicants must be certified teachers in the Tri-State (NY, NJ, CT) area. Applicants who are not certified will be considered based on background experience.